Literally "list of kanji by school year") is a list of 1,006 kanji and associated readings developed and maintained by the Japanese Ministry of Education that prescribes which kanji, and which readings of kanji, Japanese schoolchildren should learn for each year of primary school. Although the list is designed for Japanese children, it can also be used as a sequence of learning characters by non-native speakers as a means of focusing on the most commonly used kanji.

Note 1: Many kanji have complex meanings and nuances, or express concepts not found in the English language. In those cases, the English meanings mentioned here constitute approximations at best.

Note 2: In the Kun readings, readings after - (hyphen) are Okurigana.

ON-reading (On-yomi) is the Chinese reading of a kanji character. It is based on the sound of the kanji character as pronounced by the Chinese at the time the character was introduced, and also from the area it was imported.
The kun-reading (Kun-yomi) is the native Japanese reading associated with the meaning of a kanji. Here are some examples.
Meaning _ On-reading _ Kun-reading
mountain _ san _ _ yama
river _ _ sen _ _ kawa
flower _ _ ka _ _ hana

Almost all kanji have On-readings except for most of the kanji that were developed in Japan (e.g. ? has only Kun-readings). Some dozen kanji don't have Kun-readings, but most kanji have multiple readings.

Unfortunately there is no simple way to explain when to use On-reading or Kun-reading. Those learning Japanese need to memorize the pronunciation on an individual basis, one word at a time. Here are some tips to help you remember.

On-reading is usually used when the kanji is a part of a compound (two or more kanji characters are placed side by site). Kun-reading is used when the kanji is used on its own, either as a complete noun or as adjective stems and verb stems. This is not a hard and fast rule, but at least you can make a better guess.

Let's take a look at the kanji character for "? (water)". The on-reading for the character is "sui" and the Kun-reading is "mizu." "? (mizu)" is a word in its own right, meaning "water". The kanji compound "???(Wednesday)" is read as "suiyoubi."

First grade (80 kanji)

# Kanji Strokes Meaning On Kun
1 1 one ichi, itsu hito-tsu
2 2 two ni, ji futa-tsu
3 3 three san  mit-tsu
4 5 four shi yot-tsu or yon
5 4 five go itsu-tsu
6 4 six roku mut-tsu
7 2 seven shichi nana-tsu
8 2 eight hachi yat-tsu
9 2 nine ku or kyū kokono-tsu
10 2 ten
11 6 hundred hyaku momo
12 3 thousand sen chi
13 3 top ue
14 3 below ka or ge shita
15 5 left sa hidari
16 5 right u or yū migi
17 4 inside, middle chū naka
18 3 large dai ō-kii
19 3 small shō chii-sai
20 4 month; moon gatsu or getsu tsuki
21 4 day; sun nichi hi
22 6 year nen toshi
23 6 early haya-i
24 4 tree moku; boku ki
25 8 woods rin hayashi
26 3 mountain san yama
27 3 river sen kawa
28 3 soil do tsuchi
29 8 sky sora
30 5 rice paddy den da
31 4 heaven ten ame
32 5 life sei or shō i-kiru or u-mu or nama
33 7 flower ka hana
34 9 grass kusa
35 6 insect chū mushi
36 4 dog ken inu
37 2 person jin or nin hito
38 6 name mei or myō na
39 3 female jo or nyo on'na
40 7 male dan or nan otoko
41 3 child shi or su ko
42 5 eye moku me
43 6 ear ji or ni mimi
44 3 mouth kuchi
45 4 hand shu te
46 7 foot soku ashi
47 7 see ken mi-ru
48 9 sound on ne or oto
49 2 power riki or ryoku chikara
50 6 spirit ki or ke
51 4 yen en maru
52 2 enter nyū hai-ru or i-ru
53 5 exit shutsu de-ru
54 5 stand up ritsu ta-tsu
55 6 rest kyū yasu-mu
56 6 previous sen saki
57 3 evening seki
58 5 book hon moto
59 4 text bun or mon fumi
60 6 character ji azana
61 8 study gaku mana-bu
62 10 school
63 7 village son mura
64 7 town chō machi
65 12 forest shin mori
66 5 correct sei tada-shii
67 4 water sui mizu
68 4 fire ka hi
69 5 gem gyoku tama
70 4 king ō
71 5 stone seki ishi
72 6 bamboo chiku take
73 6 thread shi ito
74 7 shellfish kai
75 7 vehicle sha kuruma
76 8 gold kin kane
77 8 rain u ame
78 7 red seki aka
79 8 blue sei ao
80 5 white haku shiro

[edit] Second grade (160 kanji)

# Kanji Strokes Meaning On Kun
81 13 count kazu
82 6 many,much ta ō-i
83 4 a few, a little shō suku-nai,suko-shi
84 3 ten thousand man yorozu
85 5 half han naka-ba
86 7 shape kei or gyō katachi
87 4 thick ta futo-i
88 11 thin sai hoso-i
89 5 wide hiro-i
90 8 long chō naga-i
91 9 point ten bochi
92 3 circle gan maru
93 6 intersect maji-waru
94 6 light hikari
95 7 corner kaku kado,tsuno,sumi
96 9 measure kei haka-ru
97 8 straight choku,jiki tada-chi,nao-su
98 15 line sen
99 5 arrow shi ya
100 10 weak jaku yowa-i
101 11 strong kyō tsuyo-i
102 10 high taka-i
103 6 same ona-ji
104 16 parent shin oya
105 5 mother bo haha,kaa
106 4 father fu chichi,tou
107 8 older sister shi ane
108 5 older brother kei ani
109 7 younger brother tei or dai otouto
110 8 younger sister mai imōto
111 6 oneself ji or shi mizuka-ra
112 4 friend tomo
113 7 body tai karada
114 4 hair ke
115 16 head atama
116 18 face gan kao
117 9 neck shu kubi
118 4 heart shin kokoro
119 10 time ji toki
120 18 weekday
121 12 morning chō asa
122 9 daytime chū hiru
123 8 night ya yoru
124 4 minute; understand fun,bun wa-karu
125 11 week shū
126 9 spring shun haru
127 10 summer ka natsu
128 9 autumn shū aki
129 5 winter fuyu
130 4 now kon ima
131 13 new shin atara-shii
132 5 old ko furu-i
133 12 interval kan,ken ma,aida
134 4 direction kata
135 5 north hoku kita
136 9 south nan minami
137 8 east higashi,azuma
138 西 6 west sei or sai nishi
139 13 far en tō-i
140 7 near kin chika-i
141 9 before zen mae
142 9 after go,kou nochi,ushi-ro,ato
143 4 inside nai uchi
144 5 outside gai or ge soto,hoka,hazu-su
145 12 place ba
146 6 ground chi or ji
147 8 country koku kuni
148 13 garden en sono
149 7 valley koku tani
150 11 field ya no
151 10 meadow gen hara
152 7 hometown ri sato
153 5 city shi ichi
154 8 capital kyō or kei miyako
155 9 wind kaze
156 11 snow setsu yuki
157 12 cloud un kumo
158 6 pond chi ike
159 9 sea kai umi
160 8 rock gan iwa
161 9 star sei hoshi
162 9 room shitsu muro
163 4 door ko to or be
164 10 house ka or ke ie
165 6 Buddhist temple ji tera
166 10 pass through tsū tō-ru
167 8 gates mon kado
168 12 road michi
169 13 talk wa hanashi, hana-su
170 7 say gen,gon i-u,koto
171 12 answer kota-eru
172 7 voice sei koe
173 14 hear bun or mon ki-ku
174 14 language go kata-ru
175 14 read doku yo-mu
176 10 write sho ka-ku
177 10 record ki shiru-su
178 10 paper shi kami
179 8 brush stroke ga or kaku
180 12 picture kai e
181 7 drawing zu haka-ru
182 3 craft kō or ku
183 11 teach kyō oshi-eru
184 12 clear sei hare
185 9 think shi omo-u
186 6 consider kanga-eru
187 8 know chi shi-ru
188 3 ability sai,zai wazukani,zae
189 11 reason ri kotowari
190 14 calculate san
191 7 make saku tsuku-ru
192 4 origin gen or gan moto
193 9 eat shoku ta-beru,ku-u
194 6 meat niku
195 10 horse ba uma or ma
196 4 cow gyū ushi
197 11 fish gyo uo or sakana
198 11 bird chō tori
199 6 feather u ha or hane
200 14 chirp mei na-ku
201 7 wheat baku mugi
202 6 rice bei or mai kome
203 9 tea cha or sa
204 6 colour shoku iro
205 11 yellow ō ki
206 11 black koku kuro
207 7 come rai ku-ru
208 6 go kō or gyō i-ku,yu-ku,okonau
209 10 return ki kae-ru
210 8 walk ho aru-ku,ayu-mu
211 7 run hashi-ru
212 4 stop shi to-maru
213 9 active katsu i-kiru
214 8 store ten mise
215 12 buy bai ka-u
216 7 sell bai u-ru
217 4 noon go uma
218 7 steam ki
219 3 bow kyū yumi
220 6 -times kai
221 6 meeting kai or e a-u
222 11 team so kumi
223 11 ship sen fune
224 8 bright mei aka-rui
225 7 company sha yashiro
226 4 cut setsu ki-ru
227 13 electricity den
228 6 every mai
229 6 fit a-u
230 6 this a-taru
231 5 pedestal dai or tai
232 13 pleasure raku tano-shii
233 4 public kou ōyake
234 4 pull in hi-ku
235 9 section ka
236 14 song ka uta
237 2 sword katana
238 12 number ban
239 5 use mochi-iru
240 7 what ka nani or nan

[edit] Third grade (200 kanji)

# Kanji Strokes Meaning On Kun
241 2 pair chō hinoto
242 5 generation sei or se yo
243 6 both ryō teru, futatsu
244 5 master shu nushi or omo
245 9 ride no-ru
246 4 beforehand yo arakaji-me
247 8 abstract thing ji koto
248 5 serve shi tsuka-eru
249 5 other ta hoka
250 5 substitute dai or tai ka-waru or yo
251 7 dwell su-mu
252 使 8 use shi tsuka-u
253 9 leader kei kakari or kaka-ru
254 10 double bai
255 6 whole zen matta-ku
256 8 tool gu sona-eru or tsubusa-ni
257 5 copy sha utsu-su
258 6 row retsu
259 7 help jo tasu-keru
260 10 diligence ben tsuto-meru
261 11 move ugo-ku
262 12 win shō ka-tsu
263 4 change ka ba-keru
264 4 ward ku
265 7 doctor i iya-su or i-suru
266 5 leave kyo or ko sa-ru
267 4 anti- han so-ru
268 8 take shu to-ru
269 8 receive ju u-keru
270 5 number yobina or sake-bu
271 6 confront mu-kau
272 7 you kun kimi
273 8 flavor mi aji or aji-wau
274 8 fate mei inochi
275 8 harmony wa yawa-ragu or nago-yaka
276 9 article hin shina
277 10 employee in
278 11 commerce shō
279 11 question mon to-u or ton
280 7 slope han saka
281 5 center ō
282 8 begin shi haji-meru
283 8 committee i yuda-neru
284 6 protect shu mamo-ru
285 6 cheap an yasu-i
286 8 fix tei or jō sada-meru
287 8 reality jitsu mi or mino-ru
288 9 guest kyaku
289 10 Shinto shrine or prince (princess) kyū miya
290 宿 11 inn shuku yado or yado-ru
291 12 cold kan samu-i
292 7 opposite tai aite or soro-i
293 7 office kyoku tsubone
294 9 roof oku ya
295 8 shore gan kishi
296 10 island shima
297 6 state shū su
298 11 ledger chō tobari
299 5 flat hei or byō tai-ra or hira
300 8 happiness saiwa-i or shiawa-se
301 9 degree do tabi
302 10 warehouse ko or ku kura
303 10 yard tei niwa
304 6 style shiki
305 7 role yaku
306 9 wait tai ma-tsu
307 9 hurry kyū iso-gu
308 10 breath soku iki
309 11 bad aku waru-i
310 12 sad hi kana-shii
311 13 thought
312 13 idea i
313 13 feel kan
314 8 place sho tokoro
315 5 hit da u-tsu
316 7 throw na-geru
317 9 pick up hiro-u
318 9 hold ji mo-tsu
319 9 finger shi yubi or sa-su
320 8 release hana-su
321 16 organize sei totono-eru
322 10 trip ryo tabi
323 11 tribe zoku
324 8 long ago seki or shaku mukashi
325 9 shine shō
326 12 hot sho atsu-i
327 13 dark an kura-i
328 6 melody kyoku ma-garu
329 6 possess a-ru
330 8 clothes fuku
331 12 period of time ki
332 8 board han or ban ita
333 9 pillar chū hashira
334 10 root kon ne
335 12 plant shoku u-eru
336 13 business gyō
337 14 appearance sama
338 15 horizontal ō yoko
339 16 bridge kyō hashi
340 6 next ji tsugi or tsu-gu
341 12 tooth shi ha
342 6 death shi shi-nu
343 5 ice hyō kōri
344 7 decide ketsu ki-meru
345 8 oil yu abura
346 8 wave ha nami
347 8 pour chū soso-gu
348 8 swim ei oyo-gu
349 9 ocean
350 10 stream ryū naga-reru
351 10 extinguish shō ki-eru or ke-su
352 11 deep shin fuka-i
353 12 warm on atata-kai
354 12 harbor minato
355 12 lake ko mizūmi
356 12 hot water yu
357 13 China kan
358 9 charcoal tan sumi
359 8 thing butsu or motsu mono
360 11 ball kyū tama
361 5 reason yū or yu  yoshi
362 5 say shin mō-su
363 9 world kai
364 10 farm hata or hatake
365 9 sick byō yamai
366 10 departure hatsu
367 12 climb tō or to nobo-ru
368 5 skin hi kawa
369 5 dish bei sara
370 9 mutual ai
371 9 prefecture ken ka-keru
372 10 true shin ma
373 12 wear chaku ki-ru or tsu-ku
374 12 short tan mijika-i
375 9 sharpen ken to-gu
376 5 salute rei
377 9 deity shin or jin kami
378 11 festival sai matsu-ri
379 13 luck fuku
380 9 second byō
381 7 research kyū kiwa-meru
382 11 chapter shō
383 12 juvenile warabe
384 11 whistle teki fue
385 11 ordinal dai
386 12 writing brush hitsu fude
387 12 class hito-shii
388 15 box hako
389 9 rank kyū
390 11 end shū o-waru
391 14 green ryoku midori
392 14 practice ren ne-ru
393 6 sheep hitsuji
394 9 beauty mi utsuku-shii
395 11 learn shū nara-u
396 8 someone sha mono
397 8 nurture iku soda-tsu
398 8 suffer ku kuru-shii or niga-i
399 10 luggage ka ni
400 12 fall raku o-chiru
401 12 leaf ha
402 16 medicine yaku kusuri
403 6 blood ketsu chi
404 8 diagram hyō omote or arawa-su
405 13 poem shi uta
406 調 15 tone chō shira-beru
407 15 discuss dan
408 7 beans tō or zu mame
409 9 lose fu ma-keru or o-u
410 10 awaken ki o-kiru
411 13 path ro ji
412 7 body shin mi
413 11 revolve ten koro-bu
414 12 lightly kei karu-i
415 13 agriculture
416 7 repay hen kae-su
417 9 follow tsui o-u
418 9 send oku-ru
419 10 fast soku haya-i
420 11 progress shin susu-mu
421 12 play aso-bu
422 12 destiny un hako-bu
423 11 part bu
424 11 metropolis to or tsu miyako
425 10 distribute hai kuba-ru
426 10 rice wine shu sake or saka
427 9 heavy jū or chō omo-i or kasa-neru
428 13 iron tetsu
429 14 silver gin
430 12 open kai hira-ku or a-ku
431 10 institution in
432 12 sunshine hi
433 12 storey kai kizahashi
434 12 gather shū atsu-maru
435 9 surface men  omo-te or tsura
436 18 topic dai
437 12 drink in no-mu
438 16 public building kan tate
439 14 station eki
440 14 nose bi hana

[edit] Fourth grade (200 kanji)

# Kanji Strokes Meaning On Kun
441 4 not fu or bu
442 6 conflict araso-u
443 5 attach fu tsu-ku
444 5 orders rei
445 5 since i
446 6 go-between chū naka
447 6 transmit den tsuta-eru
448 7 rank i kurai
449 7 low tei hiku-i
450 8 example rei tato-eru
451 便 9 convenience ben or bin tayo-ri
452 9 trust shin
453 10 storage kura
454 10 climate
455 10 borrow shaku ka-riru
456 11 halt tei
457 11 healthy ken
458 11 side soku kawa
459 13 work hatara-ku
460 15 hundred million oku
461 6 portent or trillion chō kiza-shi
462 7 offspring ji or ni
463 6 together kyō tomo
464 7 soldier hei or hyō tsuwamono
465 8 code ten
466 7 cool rei tsume-tai or hi-eru or sa-meru
467 7 first sho hatsu or haji-me
468 7 separate betsu waka-reru
469 7 profit ri
470 8 printing satsu su-ru
471 11 vice- fuku
472 5 achievement
473 5 add ka kuwa-eru
474 7 toil do tsuto-meru
475 7 labor negira-u
476 9 courage isa-mu
477 5 wrap tsutsu-mu
478 8 graduate sotsu
479 8 cooperation kyō
480 9 simple tan
481 12 Dr. haku
482 6 mark in shirushi
483 8 participate san mai-ru
484 5 history shi
485 5 director shi
486 6 each kaku ono-ono
487 7 tell koku tsu-geru
488 8 circumference shū mawa-ri
489 11 chant shō tona-eru
490 12 rejoice ki yoroko-bu
491 15 container ki utsuwa
492 7 surround i kako-u
493 8 harden ko kata-maru
494 9 model kei kata
495 11 public chamber
496 13 salt en shio
497 3 gentleman shi
498 9 change hen ka-waru
499 4 husband fu fuu bu otto
500 5 lose shitsu ushina-u
501 6 like su-ku or kono-mu
502 8 seasons ki
503 10 grandchild son mago
504 7 perfect kan
505 8 government official kan
506 10 harm gai
507 14 guess satsu
508 11 nest su
509 10 distinction sa
510 7 hope ki mare
511 10 seat seki
512 10 sash tai obi
513 8 bottom tei soko
514 8 urban prefecture fu
515 11 ease
516 9 build ken ta-teru
517 8 diameter kei
518 10 junior to
519 11 acquire toku e-ru
520 5 inevitable hitsu kanara-zu
521 8 thought nen
522 13 love  ai
523 6 become sei na-ru
524 13 war sen ikusa or tataka-u
525 7 fold setsu o-ru
526 10 raise kyo a-geru
527 7 reformation kai arata-meru
528 11 salvation kyū suku-u
529 11 failure hai yabu-reru
530 12 scatter san chi-ru
531 10 fee ryō
532 14 national flag ki hata
533 9 yesterday saku
534 12 scenery kei
535 12 superlative sai mo or motto-mo
536 11 hope nozo-mu
537 5 un- mi ima-da
538 5 end matsu sue
539 5 tag satsu fuda
540 7 lumber zai
541 7 bundle soku taba or tsuka
542 8 pine shō matsu
543 8 accomplish ka ha-tasu
544 9 prosperity ei saka-eru
545 10 plan an
546 10 apricot bai ume
547 11 contraption kai
548 13 poles kyoku kiwa-meru
549 15 signpost hyō
550 16 machine ki hata
551 4 lack ketsu ka-keru
552 14 curriculum reki
553 10 remainder zan noko-ru
554 10 kill satsu koro-su
555 8 poison doku
556 4 surname shi uji
557 5 people min tami
558 7 request kyū moto-mu
559 8 govern chi or ji osa-meru or nao-ru
560 8 method
561 8 cry kyū na-ku
562 9 shallow sen asa-i
563 10 bathe yoku abi-ru
564 11 pure sei or shō kiyo-raka
565 12 full man mi-chiru
566 14 fishing ryō or gyō asa-ru
567 6 lamp hi
568 12 nothing mu or bu na-i
569 12 so zen or nen shika-shi
570 12 bake shō ya-ku
571 13 illuminate shō te-rasu
572 15 heat netsu atsu-i
573 8 breed boku maki
574 10 special toku
575 11 give birth san u-mu
576 8 target teki mato
577 9 government ministry sho or sei habu-ku
578 9 celebrate shuku iwa-u
579 11 ballot hyō
580 14 species shu tane
581 16 accumulate seki tsu-mu
582 20 emulate kyō kiso-u
583 10 laugh shō wara-u
584 14 pipe kan kuda
585 13 node setsu fushi
586 10 flour fun ko or kona
587 9 chronicle ki
588 9 promise yaku
589 12 tie ketsu musu-bu or yu-u
590 12 salary kyū tama-u
591 13 continue zoku tsudu-ku
592 13 put chi o-ku
593 6 old man o-iru
594 9 stomach i
595 10 vein myaku
596 13 intestines chō
597 7 retainer shin
598 10 cruise
599 7 good ryō yo-i
600 7 art gei
601 8 bud ga me
602 8 England ei
603 11 vegetable sai na
604 12 street gai machi
605 6 garment i koromo
606 9 need i-ru
607 12 memorize kaku obo-eru or sa-meru
608 18 observe kan mi-ru
609 10 instruction kun
610 13 test shi kokoromi-ru or tame-su
611 14 theory setsu to-ku
612 15 section ka
613 20 deliberation gi
614 12 elephant zō or shō
615 11 freight ka
616 12 savings cho ta-meru
617 12 expense hi tsui-yasu
618 15 prize shō
619 9 army gun
620 15 wheel rin wa
621 13 resign ji ya-meru
622 5 environs hen ata-ri
623 10 take along ren tsu-reru or tsura-neru
624 12 attain tachi
625 15 choose sen era-bu
626 10 county gun
627 12 quantity ryō
628 16 transcript roku
629 19 mirror kyō kagami
630 14 related kan seki
631 11 land riku
632 12 squad tai
633 14 quiet sei shizu-ka
634 12 obey jun
635 19 request gan nega-u
636 18 sort rui
637 9 fly hi to-bu
638 12 meal han meshi
639 15 foster yashina-u
640 18 verify ken

[edit] Fifth grade (185 kanji)

# Kanji Strokes Meaning On Kun
641 3 long time kyū hisa
642 4 Buddha hutsu or butsu hotoke
643 6 sham ka or ke kari
644 6 affair ken
645 6 responsibility nin maka-seru
646 7 becoming ji ni-ru
647 7 surplus yo ama-ru
648 8 value ka atai
649 9 preserve ho tamo-tsu
650 10 discipline shū osa-meru
651 10 straw bag hyō tawara
652 10 individual ko
653 12 provide bi sona-eru
654 14 statue
655 6 again sai or sa futata-bi
656 5 publish kan
657 7 judge han waka-ru
658 8 control sei
659 8 ticket ken
660 9 rule soku notto-ru
661 8 effect ki-ku
662 11 duty mu tsuto-meru
663 13 energy sei ikio-i
664 9 rich atsu-i
665 5 phrase ku
666 5 possible ka
667 12 manage ei itona-mu
668 6 cause in yo-ru
669 6 association dan or ton
670 5 pressure atsu
671 6 exist zai a-ru
672 7 level kin
673 11 foundation ki moto-duku
674 12 report muku-iru
675 14 boundary kyō sakai
676 13 grave bo haka
677 14 increase ma-su or fu-eru
678 13 dream mu yume
679 8 wife sai tsuma
680 11 lady fu
681 10 contain
682 11 approach ki yo-ru
683 12 abundant fu tomi
684 15 guide michibi-ku
685 8 reside kyo i-ru
686 12 belong zoku
687 5 linen fu nuno
688 10 expert shi
689 11 normal tsune
690 13 tree-trunk kan miki
691 7 preface jo
692 5 valve ben
693 11 stretch chō ha-ru
694 8 journey ō
695 12 repeating fuku
696 14 virtue toku
697 7 intention shi kokorozashi
698 7 respond ō
699 7 cheerful kai kokoroyo-i
700 8 gender sei or shō saga
701 10 grace on
702 11 feelings nasa-ke
703 14 condition tai
704 14 accustomed kan na-reru
705 8 acquiesce shō uketamawa-ru
706 7 skill gi waza
707 8 beckon shō mane-ku
708 11 instruct ju sazu-keru
709 11 pick sai to-ru
710 11 contact setsu ses-suru or tsu-gu
711 12 propose tei sa-geru
712 13 loss son soko-neru
713 4 support shi sasa-eru
714 9 politics sei matsurigoto
715 9 circumstances ko yue
716 15 enemy teki kataki
717 11 cut off dan ta-tsu or kotowa-ru
718 5 old times kyū
719 8 easy eki yasa-shii
720 15 outburst aba-ku
721 7 clause
722 8 branch shi eda
723 9 investigate sa
724 10 status kaku
725 10 cherry ō sakura
726 12 examine ken
727 14 construct kama-eru
728 8 military bu or mu
729 4 compare hi kura-beru
730 5 eternity ei naga-i
731 8 stream ka kawa
732 11 fluid eki
733 11 mix kon ma-zaru
734 12 decrease gen he-ru
735 12 fathom soku haka-ru
736 13 standard jun
737 14 perform en
738 15 undefiled ketsu isagiyo-i
739 7 disaster sai wazawa-i
740 16 burn nen mo-eru
741 8 printing block han
742 5 crime han oka-su
743 7 form
744 9 alone doku hito-ri
745 11 rate ritsu or sotsu hiki-iru
746 11 appear gen arawa-reru
747 10 detain ryū or ru todo-maru
748 11 abbreviation ryaku
749 10 benefit eki
750 11 eyeball gan me
751 10 rend ha yabu-ru
752 15 certain kaku tashi-ka
753 5 indicate shi shime-su
754 9 ancestor so
755 13 prohibition kin
756 11 shift i utsu-ru
757 12 extent tei hodo
758 12 tax zei
759 16 fabricate chiku kizu-ku
760 14 refined sei
761 10 elementary su or so moto
762 11 manage kei or kyō he-ru
763 12 relationship su-beru
764 12 discontinue zetsu ta-tsu
765 綿 14 cotton men wata
766 14 whole
767 15 compile hen a-mu
768 17 exploits seki
769 18 weave shiki o-ru
770 13 guilt zai tsumi
771 13 flock gun mu-reru
772 13 righteousness gi
773 10 till tagaya-su
774 18 employment shoku
775 18 fertilizer hi ko-yasu
776 10 ability
777 16 entertain kyō oko-su
778 6 tongue zetsu shita
779 8 cottage sha
780 11 art jutsu sube
781 16 defense ei
782 14 manufacture sei
783 14 duplicate fuku
784 11 rule ki
785 13 untie ge or kai to-ku
786 11 establish setsu mouke-ru
787 11 permit kyo yuru-su
788 12 evidence shō akashi
789 12 evaluate hyō
790 17 lecture
791 17 apologize sha ayama-ru
792 19 discriminating shiki
793 20 safeguard go mamo-ru
794 13 bountiful yuta-ka
795 10 wealth zai
796 11 poor hin mazushi-i
797 11 blame seki se-meru
798 12 lend tai ka-su
799 貿 12 trade
800 12 congratulations ga
801 13 resources shi
802 15 approve san
803 15 quality shitsu
804 16 transport yu
805 8 mention jutsu no-beru
806 9 astray mei mayo-u
807 退 9 retreat tai shirizo-ku
808 9 inverted gyaku sakara-u
809 10 create tsuku-ru
810 12 overdo ka ayama-chi
811 14 suitable teki
812 14 acid san
813 13 mineral
814 14 copper
815 14 coin sen zeni
816 7 resist fuse-gu
817 9 limit gen kagi-ru
818 11 precipitous ken kewa-shii
819 14 occasion sai kiwa
820 14 miscellaneous zatsu
821 8 negative hi ara-zu
822 13 deposit yo azu-keru
823 14 territory ryō
824 18 amount gaku hitai
825 13 domesticate shi ka-u

[edit] Sixth grade (181 kanji)

# Kanji Strokes Meaning On Kun
826 8 row hei nami or nara-bu
827 7 riot ran mida-reru
828 8 milk nyū chichi
829 3 deceased na-kunaru
830 4 kindness jin
831 8 offer kyō or ku tomo
832 10 actor hai
833 10 value chi atai
834 13 wound shō kizu
835 17 superior yasa-shii
836 10 political party
837 5 counter for books satsu
838 5 dispose sho
839 8 engrave koku kiza-mu
840 12 divide katsu wa-ru
841 12 create tsuku-ru
842 15 drama geki
843 12 diligence kin tsuto-meru
844 6 dangerous ki aya-ui
845 7 egg ran tamago
846 17 strict gen kibi-shii
847 4 obtain shū osa-meru
848 6 queen kisaki
849 7 negate hi ina or iya
850 6 suck kyū su-u
851 8 call ko yo-bu
852 12 virtue zen yo-i
853 7 quandary kon koma-ru
854 8 droop sui ta-reru
855 9 castle shiro
856 11 range iki
857 9 play music kana-deru
858 16 stirred up hun huru-u
859 姿 9 shape shi sugata
860 6 suppose son
861 7 filial piety
862 6 home taku ie
863 6 eaves u
864 8 religion shū
865 8 mid-air chū
866 8 treasure takara
867 9 proclaim sen notama-u
868 11 secrecy mitsu
869 3 measurement sun
870 9 specialty sen moppa-ra
871 10 shoot sha i-ru
872 10 leader shō
873 12 revered son touto-bu
874 12 concerning shū tsu-ku
875 4 measure of length shaku
876 8 deliver kai todo-ku
877 10 expand ten
878 14 stratum
879 3 self ko onore
880 9 scroll kan ma-ku
881 13 curtain maku or baku
882 3 dry kan ho-su
883 5 infancy osana-i
884 5 government office chō
885 10 sit za suwa-ru
886 8 prolong en no-basu
887 9 rhythm ritsu
888 10 obey shitaga-u
889 7 forget wasu-reru
890 8 loyalty chū
891 16 constitution ken
892 7 ego ga ware
893 7 criticism hi
894 8 shouldering tan nina-u
895 8 worship hai oga-mu
896 8 broaden kaku hiro-geru
897 11 discard sha su-teru
898 11 grope tan saga-su
899 11 infer sui
900 12 brandish ki
901 16 maneuver ayatsu-ru
902 12 respect kei uyama-u
903 9 reflect ei utsu-ru
904 12 nightfall ban
905 13 warmth dan atata-kai
906 14 livelihood bo ku-rasu
907 10 melodious hoga-raka
908 6 desk ki tsukue
909 8 sheet of... mai
910 9 dye sen so-meru
911 10 stocks kabu
912 12 rod
913 14 imitation mo or bo
914 15 rights ken
915 16 trees ju ki
916 11 longing yoku ho-shii
917 9 steps dan
918 沿 8 run alongside en so-u
919 9 fountain sen izumi
920 9 wash sen ara-u
921 9 sect ha
922 11 settle sai su-mu
923 13 source gen minamoto
924 15 tide chō shio
925 16 violent geki hage-shii
926 6 ashes kai hai
927 15 ripen juku u-reru
928 4 one-sided hen kata
929 10 corps han
930 11 uncommon i koto-naru
931 14 doubt gi utaga-u
932 12 pain tsū ita-i
933 9 emperor ō
934 11 prosper sei mo-ru
935 13 alliance mei
936 9 watch over kan
937 9 sand sa or sha suna
938 14 magnet ji
939 7 me shi watakushi or watashi
940 10 secret hi hi-meru
941 14 cereal koku
942 5 hole ketsu ana
943 11 window mado
944 12 muscle kin suji
945 12 scheme saku
946 18 simplicity kan
947 16 sugar
948 7 lineage kei
949 9 crimson beni or kurenai
950 10 settlement osa-meru
951 10 genuine jun
952 13 silk ken kinu
953 16 vertical ju tate
954 17 shrink shuku chidi-mu
955 13 government office sho
956 11 forthcoming yoku
957 13 holy sei
958 9 lung hai
959 9 back hai se
960 10 bosom kyō mune
961 11 brain
962 13 abdomen fuku hara
963 19 entrails
964 18 lookover rin nozo-mu
965 6 climax shi ita-ru
966 8 young jaku waka-i
967 11 renowned cho arawa-su or ichijiru-shii
968 13 foment mu-su
969 15 storehouse kura
970 10 silkworm san kaiko
971 12 masses shū
972 12 judge sai saba-ku
973 12 attire sō or shō yosoo-u
974 13 rear ri ura
975 12 supplement ho ogina-u
976 11 look at shi mi-ru
977 17 perusal ran
978 10 chastise u-tsu
979 11 visit otozu-reru
980 11 translate yaku wake
981 12 poetry shi kotoba
982 14 document shi
983 14 recognize nin mito-meru
984 15 born tan
985 13 sincerity sei makoto
986 14 mistake go ayama-ru
987 15 theory ron
988 15 various sho moro
989 19 admonish kei imashi-meru
990 12 precious ki tatto-i
991 13 fare chin
992 15 bequeath i
993 11 mail
994 11 home town kyō
995 10 needle shin hari
996 16 steel hagane
997 11 closed hei shi-meru
998 14 tall kaku
999 10 descend o-riru
1000 10 majesty hei
1001 10 exclude jo or ji nozo-ku
1002 14 hurt shō sawa-ru
1003 18 difficult nan muzuka-shii
1004 9 leather kaku kawa
1005 11 place on the head chō itada-ku
1006 10 bone kotsu hone

[edit] See also