TO: Oregon Medical Board (OMB) President To: President Oregon Medical Board (OMB)
AND: members of the Oregon Medical Board
From: Ralph L. Read
Regarding: Investigation
The OMB "complaint form" specifies that a report may be made by clearly explaining the complaint- without using the FORM.

I requested an investigation in 2008 because I was told that was what I should do if I disagreed with some action by the Oregon Medical Board. At that investigation I was lied to by the Executive Director, who claimed there was no complaint against me.

The same lie was told to the Board members involved in that "investigation" (Dr.Cornelius and Dr.Kirkpatrick). They also were told that the investigation was to determine if I was practicing "enough" medicine to be allowed to renew my active medical license.

At that time (2008) there was absolutely no requirement for any activity in order to renew an active medical license, but that is what happened (even though nobody could actually explain "how much activity" was "enough".

Now it is 2023 and I am requesting an investigation regarding actions by the Oregon Medical Board, namely:
1) Falsification of the case record A#144783, done by labeling my (mostly uncontested) direct testimony as "arguments"
2) Failure to ever decide one of the complaints filed against me ("evasive answers" at the 2008 Investigative meeting).
3)Creation of a new complaint against me AFTER the contested case hearing on case A#144783, and a decision on that new complaint without a contested case hearing, and without evidence or testimony.

I am NOT requesting any action by the Oregon Medical Board- but I am certain that investigation of the elements mentioned above might be of great help to the Board Members in understanding how the Board has operated in the past, and may still be operating.

Because most of the operation of the OMB is secret, I have no assurance that any of the actions against me were approved by any Board Member--
Because several of the actions seem unethical (lying) or malicious (fabrications)... and most are really STUPID... I think there is plenty of reason to think that these were NOT supervised/approved by any physician Board Member. Example: WHY would a physician approve an expensive evaluation that is not needed for any reason. Why issue a complaint and decide it without even notifying the individual named by the complaint.
Why would a physician order falsification of a case record???

The OMB issued an ORDER For Evaluation to me in September 2008, but no investigation is requested regarding that-- the Case record already shows that there was no valid purpose for the ORDER.
AND the record also shows that the ORDER was impossible for anyone to comply with (the evaluations ordered DID NOT EXIST).
State law makes most of OMB operation SECRET, so you have what is essentially a "NDA" for most of what happens, even though you have no liability to the victim(s) for any violations of civil rights you cause, intentional or unintentional, legal or fraudulent (bribery etc). Your IMMUNITY should make you more interested in learning what you actually are doing, even though you are not responsible to the victim(s). If an OMB employee falsifies documents, it is ASSUMED that a Board Member has supervised and approved the falsification, because Oregon law requires Board Members to supervise EVERYTHING and approve EVERYTHING.
If you investigate, I believe you will discover that has simply NOT happened in the past because untrustworthy liars were trusted.

I spoke with an ex-Board member (ex-president of the OMB) who carefully explained to me that any licensee who thought his/her civil rights were being violated could SIMPLY hire a lawyer and present the case to a (real) judge.
I was actually surprised at now naive he was; but will not assume you realize that any effort to do as he suggested simply wastes a year or more and many thousands of dollars--- BECAUSE even if s/he "wins", the OMB can (and does) usually violate his/her rights again as soon as possible.
The OMB members (and their employees!) are NOT liable to the victim(s), so why not do that?

I can probably be available for any investigation with which I might be of help- specifically outlining the various violations of civil rights that I encountered.
Let me provide a preview of how I might help:
(I describe a violation of my civil rights THEN) you explain "that is impossible, that does not happen." Then I show you in OMB documents where and how it happened.

I would want to know about these things if I were you. I wrote to Dr.Kirkpatrick, who was totally deceived by lies and false information provided by director Haley... but he never replied to my letter and may not have received it or been otherwise unable to reply.
That letter and other related information is on my website: I will include a revised expanded version of this letter there also.

Very Sincerely, Ralph L. Read